"Who among us can say that his understanding of the “evils” of Soviet-style communism didn’t begin around age 11 with ‘Animal Farm?’ "
This statement itself is a product of the same propaganda it would impale. Consider, the notion that some animals are more equal than others may rightly be said to apply to any corrupt political organization or economic philosophy, not just communism. Truly, it may be said that in fascism, or in any form of totalitarianism, that some animals are more equal is an overt aim of the state.
It is in the uses of Animal Farm and other stories, like 1984 that the propaganda of the right and the left can be seen. This was Orwell's point. It matters not, the political philosophy, or the religion, or the political economy...the issue is the use of fear and intimidation to control others, whatever the semantic construct may label them. Indeed it is always in the definition of the other that any political issue devolves into savagery.
"Who among us can say that his understanding of the “evils” of Soviet-style communism didn’t begin around age 11 with ‘Animal Farm?’ "
This statement itself is a product of the same propaganda it would impale. Consider, the notion that some animals are more equal than others may rightly be said to apply to any corrupt political organization or economic philosophy, not just communism. Truly, it may be said that in fascism, or in any form of totalitarianism, that some animals are more equal is an overt aim of the state.
It is in the uses of Animal Farm and other stories, like 1984 that the propaganda of the right and the left can be seen. This was Orwell's point. It matters not, the political philosophy, or the religion, or the political economy...the issue is the use of fear and intimidation to control others, whatever the semantic construct may label them. Indeed it is always in the definition of the other that any political issue devolves into savagery.
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