Friday, April 14, 2006

after my last post and the article there linked,

i read with interest the proponents of the Democratic talking point that the incompetence of the administration weighs strongly against the wisdom of war with iran. after that, i read an equally thoughtful point that bush can reclaim the mantle of competence with some cosmetic changes to his cabinet: change of defense secretary, etc.

i reiterate that there is no iran crisis. best to leave this to future, more competent presidents. the paralell should be drawn to social security. don't fix it if it ain't broke. wait. use caution. end the imbroglio you started before beginning the next conflagration.

i never understood why so much confidence has been placed in w, on whose watch 9/11 occurred, when it's been proven time and time again that the man can't be trusted. he's a stone faced liar who should never be believed again. god i wish this nightmare would end.

after 9/11, I would have understood if the us government lit up a nuke in some barren desert somewhere, just to send a message. now, with talk of "tactical" nukes and bunker busting nukes, and small nukes I have a sickening sensation that such senseless emotion runs still in the veins of those with their fingers on the proverbial button.

I read an article this morning about some guy in Pennsylvania who killed his wife by throwing a microwave at her and banging her head on the floor because she wouldn't make him a sandwich. The money quote was that he didn't mean to do it, and that he was sorry to have killed her. It would suck if W felt that way after he launched nukes, but it would be too late then also. The genie would again be out of the bottle. These fools who think that evil acts are okay if done in some good name or another will ultimately see karma spinning the shit back at them. They let loose the demons of war and never care to see where they come to rest, even if it's home where they ultimately return.

never occurs that we might all get off this planet before we destroy any of it. never occurs at all. no common purpose. with no mission to save the planet for the day, there is no chance of the race ever leaving it. champagne supernova.


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