Monday, April 24, 2006

seen on bartcop

Subject: Gas Price Gouging

"I'm concerned about higher gasoline prices," Bush says.
"The government has the responsibility to make sure that we watch very carefully and investigate
possible price-gouging, and we will do just that," Do I believe that? I still remember how he said he
was going to investigate the leaks related to the outing of the CIA agent.

Bush called for a criminal investigation to "get to the bottom" of it
just to find out that he was the one behind it.

They can pretend that the high price of gas is because of "world demand" and "political uncertainty"
and "converting to ethanol", but when I see the president of Exxon getting a retirement bonus of
close to half a BILLION dollars it's pretty clear that it's greedy oil companies raping the public again.

These are the guys who met in secret with vice president Cheney to create the energy policies that
make them rich and us poor. When the oil companies are showing record profits it doesn't take a
genius to figure out that if they made a little less then we would be paying less at the pumps.
The quickest way to bring down gas prices is to impeach Bush and Cheney.

Marc Perkel
San Francisco, CA.


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