Monday, March 13, 2006

Our Glorious Past

Now I understand the appeal to W of Condi as chief diplomat. She can most easily stand around with an aw shucks, Opie-like look on her face despite her country's murderous past policies, and wretched human rights abuses. Last week, Condi Rice went to Chile to attend the swearing-in of President Michelle Bachelet:

“I think that that past is now behind us.”

Or possibly buried in a mass grave. Or thrown out of a helicopter, screaming, into the ocean.

Three quotes from that glorious past:

“I don’t see why we need to stand by and watch a country go communist due to the irresponsibility of its people.”Kissinger
“International terrorism will take the place of human rights in our concern because it is the ultimate abuse of human rights.”Haig
“rightist authoritarian regimes can be transformed peacefully into democracies, but totalitarian Marxist ones cannot.”Kirkpatrick
all from


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