Friday, March 10, 2006

Let's get real

Blonde Sense Liz

says we are so fucked.

When Katherine Harris folds her Campaign Tent,

who will be left to engage the culture for Christ on the "Bringing Faith to the Public Forum" bus tour? Does this mean Sean Hannity won't tour Florida? Maybe he could bus around with Charlie Crist or something. Just doesn't grab you in the craw the same way though, does it?

- The Bene Gesserit Litany Against Fear

"I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."

Freedom is fragile and always presupposes risk. "The people who can destroy a thing, they control it." This axiom is as true for the reactionaries that run the US Government as it is for Al Qaeda.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Election official hammered for telling the truth.

James Baker III should be punished.

assault on first amendment by guess who?

“Our first object should therefore be, to leave open to him all the avenues of truth. The most effectual hitherto found, is freedom of the press. It is therefore, the first shut up by those who fear the investigation of their actions.”

The job of the media is to report that Leader has won every battle - for a battle is won when it is reported to have been won....Sore-jaw’ed media types who are wondering “what do I have to do to please these people?”: you have to die for their sins, darlings. You have to be driven off into the wilderness with their sins on your head. Because nothing is real. Something to keep in mind as you strive for “balance.”

the vietnam experience

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

This is a historic day for the unrestrained executive,

Bush Land

wtf ?

bloggity blog, blog blogger

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Reclaiming America for Christ 2006

is a high-energy, two-day Christian boot camp experience that will enrich you with ideas, information, and enthusiasm. Learn from and interact with speakers who are engaging the culture for Christ.

3:30 - 5:00 p.m. Closing Session

Congresswoman Katherine Harris (FL-13)
Bringing Faith to the Public Forum.

No word yet as to the dates for the Florida Bus Tour with Sean Hannity.

"If you think Bush is spying on you, just use big words."
- Randi Rhodes -

"I am not a vegetarian because I love animals; I am a vegetarian because I hate plants."
- A. Whitney Brown -

The Rude Pundit's Plan to Fight Back in South Dakota:

Monday, March 06, 2006

Nothing new or outrageous...

Gov. Jeb Bush's office is refusing to release documents or answer questions about a $400,000 tax credit awarded to MZM Inc., whose former chief executive pleaded guilty last week to bribery and illegal campaign contributions.

The former CEO, Mitchell Wade, spent $1.08 million buying a four-story office building at 601 E. Twiggs St. in downtown Tampa on May 20, 2004. That was two months after Wade met U.S. Rep. Katherine Harris and gave her $32,000 in campaign contributions from his employees. Prosecutors in the case have said Wade did not tell Harris the contributions were illegal, and she says she didn't know.

As we now know, Larry Sabato, director of the Center for Politics at the University of Virginia said,
'Most people already believe everyone in Congress takes bundles of cash from contractors, and may see nothing new or outrageous about a scenario in which a contractor asks Harris for favors over dinner'."

Katherine Harris is now canceling campaign stops in Southwest Florida.

"The best thing going for Harris is that most Americans already believe Washington is so corrupt that Harris hasn't done anything abnormal."

"Brandon-based political consultant Mark Proctor said he advises clients to hold court early with the media to avoid a story dragging on for a week." Of course defense attorneys typically offer contrary advice, urging their clients to dummy up quick.

Larry Sabato, director of the Center for Politics at the University of Virginia said,
'Most people already believe everyone in Congress takes bundles of cash from contractors, and may see nothing new or outrageous about a scenario in which a contractor asks Harris for favors over dinner'."

"'Katherine Harris is going to make a great U.S. senator,' U.S. Sen. Mel Martinez, R-Fla., said in video greeting to the Manatee County Republican Party last week....

Sean Hannity is planning a bus tour with her through Florida." There's a party we don't want to miss.

How bad was Chimpy's nuclear deal with India?

Priests Purify Shrine After Bush Visit

some people found it even worse than ironic, it seems.

For every thing else, there's homeland security...

Minimum Payment: $261
Finance Charge: $136
Late Fee: $35
Overlimit Fee: $35
Living in a police state: Priceless.